
Author: Smashed Transistors
License: LGPL
Github: tiar/kfilter/median.axo


frac32 input


frac32 output

frac32 gch


combo N

// int32_t x0, x1, x2; // current and past inputs
// int32_t y0, y1, y2; // sorted values

int32_t x[attr_N];
int sorted[attr_N];  // points to x
int ind_mid[attr_N]; // points to mid of delay line
int c = 0;           // the last input
// x0 = x1 = x2 = 0;
// y0 = y1 = y2 = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < attr_N; i++) {
  sorted[i] = i;
  ind_mid[i] = i + attr_N - ((attr_N - 1) / 2);
  if (ind_mid[i] >= attr_N) {
    ind_mid[i] -= attr_N;
Control Rate
/*x0 = inlet_in;
// _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
//basic bubble sort
if(x1 <= x2){ y1 = x1; y2 = x2; } else { y1 = x2; y2 = x1; }
if(x0 < y1) {y0 = x1;} else {y0 = y1; y1 = x0;}
if(y1 > y2) { outlet_out = y2;} else {outlet_out = y1;}
// _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
x2 = x1; x1 = x0; // update past inputs

if (c >= attr_N) {
  c = 0;
x[c] = inlet_in;
// ascendig bubble sort
for (int j = attr_N - 2; j >= 0; j--) {
  if (x[sorted[j]] > x[sorted[j + 1]]) {
    int tmp = sorted[j];
    sorted[j] = sorted[j + 1];
    sorted[j + 1] = tmp;
// descending bubble sort
for (int j = 1; j < attr_N - 1; j++) {
  if (x[sorted[j]] > x[sorted[j + 1]]) {
    int tmp = sorted[j];
    sorted[j] = sorted[j + 1];
    sorted[j + 1] = tmp;
outlet_med = x[sorted[(attr_N - 1) / 2]];
outlet_gch = x[ind_mid[c]] - outlet_med;


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