frac32buffer r
frac32buffer theta ar
frac32 rotation angle
frac32 depth of direct modulation
frac32 depth of feedback modulation
frac32 feedback high pass cutoff
frac32 signal feedback low pass cutoff
frac32 modulation feedback low pass cutoff
frac32buffer output signal
frac32buffer feedback signal depth of direct modulation depth of feedback modulation feedback high pass cutoff signal feedback low pass cutoff modulation feedback low pass cutoff
int32 signal fb delay
int32 mod fb delay rotation angle
int32_t sin2t_q27(uint32_t p) {
int32_t a = (p & ((1 << 20) - 1)) << 8; // q28
uint32_t i = p >> 20;
return ___SMMLA(a, sine2t[i + 1] - sine2t[i], sine2t[i] >> 4);
int32_t cos2t_q27(uint32_t p) { return sin2t_q27(p + (1UL << 30)); }
int32_t d[256];
uint8_t dc;
int32_t in_i;
int32_t in_mod;
int32_t modI, modR, theta;
int32_t a_r;
int32_t signalLPCoeff, signalLP;
int32_t modLPCoeff, modLP;
int32_t HPCoeff, hp;
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
d[i] = 0;
dc = 0;
in_i = 0;
in_mod = 0;
modI = 0;
modR = 0;
theta = 1 << 28;
a_r = 0;
signalLPCoeff = 1 << 28;
signalLP = 0;
modLPCoeff = 1 << 28;
modLP = 0;
HPCoeff = 1 << 28;
hp = 0;
int32_t cutoff = param_signal_space_LP + inlet_signal_space_LP;
if (cutoff > 64 << 21)
cutoff = 64 << 21;
int32_t nSignalLPCoeff;
MTOFEXTENDED(cutoff, nSignalLPCoeff);
cutoff = param_mod_space_LP + inlet_mod_space_LP;
if (cutoff > 64 << 21)
cutoff = 64 << 21;
int32_t nModLPCoeff;
MTOFEXTENDED(cutoff, nModLPCoeff);
int signalDelay = param_signal_space_fb_space_delay - 1;
int modDelay = param_mod_space_fb_space_delay - 1;
cutoff = param_HP + inlet_HP;
if (cutoff > 64 << 21)
cutoff = 64 << 21;
int32_t nHPCoeff;
MTOFEXTENDED(cutoff, nHPCoeff);
// deltas for linear interpolations at audio rate
int32_t dSignalLPCoeff = (nSignalLPCoeff - signalLPCoeff) >> 4;
int32_t dModLPCoeff = (nModLPCoeff - modLPCoeff) >> 4;
int32_t dHPCoeff = (nHPCoeff - HPCoeff) >> 4;
int32_t nModI = param_mod_space_i + inlet_mod_space_i;
int32_t nModR = param_mod_space_r + inlet_mod_space_r;
int32_t dTheta = (param_theta + inlet_theta_space_kr - theta) >> 4;
// jump
if (abs(dTheta) > (1 << 19)) {
theta = param_theta + inlet_theta_space_kr;
dTheta = 0;
// update modulation depth on zero crossings to avoid clics
if (a_r > 0 != inlet_r > 0)
modR = nModR;
a_r = inlet_r;
// linear interpolation of krate theta
theta += dTheta;
// calc of modulated rotation angle
uint32_t a = theta;
a += ___SMMLA(in_mod, modI, ___SMMUL(inlet_r, modR)) << 6;
a += inlet_theta_space_ar;
a &= 0x07FFFFFF;
a <<= 5;
int32_t c = cos2t_q27(a);
int32_t s = sin2t_q27(a);
outlet_r = ___SMMLS(in_i, s, ___SMMUL(inlet_r, c)) << 5;
outlet_i = ___SMMLA(in_i, c, ___SMMUL(inlet_r, s)) << 5;
// feedback HP filter
hp = ___SMMLA(HPCoeff += dHPCoeff, (outlet_i - hp) << 1, hp);
// delay input
// (hp is actually 'outlet_i - hp')
d[dc] = outlet_i - hp;
// feedback signal: delay and low pass
signalLP = ___SMMLA(signalLPCoeff += dSignalLPCoeff,
(d[(uint8_t)(dc + signalDelay)] - signalLP) << 1, signalLP);
signalLP = __SSAT(signalLP, 29);
in_i = signalLP;
// feedback modulation: delay and lowpass
modLP = ___SMMLA(modLPCoeff += dModLPCoeff,
(d[(uint8_t)(dc + modDelay)] - modLP) << 1, modLP);
// update modulation depth on zero crossings to avoid clics
if (in_mod > 0 != modLP > 0)
modI = nModI;
in_mod = modLP;